Friday, October 31, 2008

Part IV: Barack Obama wins popular vote. McCain wins electoral college and Presidency.

The race is closing and there are some trends that spell doom for Barack Obama! In the last few weeks there has been a 20 point closing of the gap, with voters 18-30 years old, in favor of McCain. There has been a 16 point closing of the gap, with voters 30-45 years old, in favor of McCain. There has been no change with voters 45-65 years old and among voters 65+ years old, Obama has moved ahead by 11 points. What does all this mean?
  • The changes with voters 18-30 and 30-45 show that John McCain's attacks on Obama as a tax and spend liberal are working. People from their mid-20s to their mid-40s are historically more concerned about someone raising their taxes.
  • The lack of change with voters 45-65 shows they might just have made up their minds.
  • The change in favor of Obama with voters 65+ show that Obama's attacks on McCain, which link him to President Bush's Social Security Reform, are working.

What do all these things mean when put together?

They show that the race is tightening and that a number of people are becoming wary of Barack Obama's and Joe Biden's many gaffes and unpopular statements of the last month. Hardworking Americans do not like to hear, "Spread the wealth". People do not like to hear, "Paying taxes is patriotic". People are also starting to wonder why a year ago Obama said rich was someone making more than $1 million a year, then a few months ago said rich was $250k, then Biden said it was $150k, and now Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico and a supporter of Obama, says it is $120k? Even if those changes are not really changes in policy and/or are taken out of context and/or anything else that Obama's campaign wants to use to defend does not matter! Perception is reality and you can not erase those statements from this campaign. They are there and no amount of explaining will make them go away and people will decide on their own what they mean.

How do these changes support my contention that Obama will win the popular vote but McCain will win the electoral college and the Presidency?

These changes back up my prediction by showing that Obama is vulnerable. My assertion that people will be scared away from Obama the closer they get to actually having to vote for him, also has weight. Lastly, I actually take the 11 point swing towards Obama, with voters 65+, as a positive for McCain. McCain will not do it, for his own reasons, but a group called is going to saturate all the swing states with an ad about Reverend Wright. This ad will have the most effect on voters 65+, they are more likely to be patriotic and should be more sensitive to anti-American sentiments and racial issues, thus negating the only positive trend that Obama has in the closing weeks of this election.

Part III: Barack Obama wins popular vote. McCain wins electoral college and Presidency.

I have been saying for weeks that Obama would win the popular vote by the largest amount by any candidate that did not win the election. Why is this? People are focusing on the national poll...that poll does not matter. That poll shows the popular vote and the popular vote does not decide the Presidency. One must look at the state polls to find out who will be President.

In Part I and Part II of this post I stated that the polls are wrong by a large percentage this year because of the Bradley Effect(there will be a Bradley Effect in these swing states), the polls are weighted heavily Democratic(because these poll takers are guessing how new voter registration will effect the election), military members are polling at 3 to 1 for McCain(and they are not included in national or state polls), and the last effect will just be straight racism. I add these factors together and I come up with my own, Wookie Effect. This effect predicts that Obama is polling 8% too high(2% Bradley Effect, 2% racism, 0.05% military vote, 3.95% poll weighting).

Obama has these states in the bag:
New York(31)
Maine(4)(not winner take all)
Rhode Island(4)
New Jersey(15)
District of Columbia(3)
Obama has 227 electoral votes if he carries all these "solid" blue states.

McCain has these states in the bag:
South Dakota(3)
Nebraska(5)(not winner take all)
South Carolina(8)
McCain has 137 electoral votes if he carries all these "solid" red states.

These are the so called swing states:
Nevada(5) Obama +1.5 adjusted McCain +6.5
Montana(3) McCain +5.6
Colorado(9) Obama +5.4 adjusted McCain +2.6
New Mexico(5) Obama +8.4 adjusted Obama +0.4
North Dakota(3) Obama +2 adjusted McCain +6
Missouri(11) Obama +2.7 adjusted McCain +5.3
Indiana(11) McCain +3.8
Ohio(20) Obama +2.8 adjusted McCain +5.2
West Virginia(5) McCain +5.6
Virginia(13) Obama +8 adjusted EVEN
North Carolina(15) Obama +1.5 adjusted McCain +6.5
Georgia(15) McCain +6.8
Florida(27) Obama +2 adjusted McCain +6
New Hampshire(4) Obama +9.4 adjusted Obama +1.4
Pennsylvania(21) Obama +11 adjusted Obama +3
Iowa(7) Obama +11.8 adjusted Obama +3.8
There are 174 electoral votes up for grab in these "swing" states.

After adjusting the totals from the polls(270 to be elected):
Obama 259 electoral votes
McCain 261 electoral votes
Too close to call Virginia(13) and New Mexico(5)

So, by my calculations the person who wins Virginia wins this election. After I adjust the polls, Virginia is even with Obama 48.8% McCain 48.8%. Virginia is the key boys! Winner take all!


I wish we still had leaders like this! Crazy as can be but aggressive, intelligent, and unbeatable! I would vote for him for President today!

Before anyone comments on the fact that Patton says America has never lost a war and never will lose a war, the closest we have ever come to being called the loser in a war was the War of 1812. In the War of 1812 our capital was captured and burned to the ground. The only major victory we had in the war, the Battle of New Orleans, came after a peace agreement had already been signed. Everyone wants to throw out Vietnam and Korea as losses, and they are wrong! Vietnam and Korea were both political actions that were fought by our military with one hand tied behind its back. Not to mention that the opponents were not Korea or Vietnam in either of those wars. The opponents both times were the U.S.S.R. and communist China. The confrontations in Korea and Vietnam were only battles in a much larger, more complicated war, the most expensive war in the history of man....the Cold War and we won that war.

While I am speaking of wars and their purposes, let me address people who are so upset about the Iraq War and the war in Afghanistan. These wars have served a very important purpose that, for some reason, a lot of Americans choose not to acknowledge. We were going to have to fight a war against terrorism. We had the choice of fighting it in the streets of New York or other American cities or fighting it half a world away. We had a choice in this war to let civilian men, women, and children be in harms way or let our well trained and well equipped soldiers bravely take that risk for us. There was going to be a war. There was no doubt about it. The leaders of America knew that by taking the war to the enemy, overseas, that all of the resources of the enemy would be concentrated in fighting us over there. No matter what you think about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or how we got into them, those wars are saving civilians lives and keeping the war outside our borders. More people need to realize this fact because while our soldiers are overseas fighting and dying for us...we are watching football and baseball and worrying about our investments instead of worrying about our lives!

Obama-like universal health care does not work!

Universal health care does not work! I have always said that giving someone something for nothing will only lead to greed and laziness. Guess what? I was proven right by the state of Hawaii! The state of Hawaii ended the only state run universal health care in the U.S. after only 7 months! It turned out that people who could afford health care stopped paying for it so they could get it for free or at a major discount through the state. Gee? What is that? Greed? Laziness? Actually it is common sense. Why should one citizen pay for something that is being given free to another? Of course universal health care will not work. It will lead to government corruption and private sector greed. Everyone of Barack Obama's plans has been proven not to work in the real world. They work in the fantasy world that most Dems dream about but that world is not this world!

"People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free," said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. "I don't believe that was the intent of the program."

To be fair, Obama's plan is for universal health insurance but the similarities are there. His plan will fail for the same reason the Hawaii health care plan did...universal social plans do not work!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

WRONG AGAIN Biden! Joe the Plumber does not make $250k now.

Is there a bigger fool, running for any office in this country, than Joe Biden? Biden, do some research before you say something! Joe the Plumber never said he made $250k! He said the business he eventually wanted to take over would make $250k+! I guaranty you, even if the business makes $250k, Joe's take home is not $250k! Biden, call any accountant and they will tell you how small business and take home pay for the owner work. Or just stay in your world where FDR was president in the 1920's and could be seen on television!

Example of stupidity:

The truth:

Forget Sarah Palin! Do you want this nimrod(Biden) a heartbeat away from the Presidency?!?!?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ACORN: "Been stealing votes since 1970!"

(Let me warn you that I am very angry so if you are easily offended do not read this post. You have been warned)

Random Obama supporter - "It is not voter fraud. It is voter registration fraud!".

Are you kidding me? Do you really think that is true?

ACORN is accused or prosecuted for voter registration fraud every 2 years and every 2 years they claim that they were the victim. The Dems and Obama blow this scandal off by saying that, "Tony Romo is not going to show up to vote here in Ohio" - Barack Obama and that no one can vote under the name Mickey Mouse so this is not voter fraud, it is just voter registration fraud. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? Yes, all the Mickey Mouses and Jive Turkeys(actual names submitted on registration forms from ACORN) are going to be weeded out but can no one see the scam here?!?!? It is a proven criminal tactic that when you want to commit a crime you create a diversion so you will not be caught committing the actual crime. Shoplifters work in tandem these days because it makes the crime easier. One shoplifter distracts the store employee while the other is stuffing merchandise into their shorts.

By flooding voter registration offices with thousands of ridiculous and obviously false registration cards, you keep the workers attention on those cards while you pass through normal looking names like John Smith, who never existed or died 5 years ago. Then you get a person a fake ID or a fake utility bill with John Smith on it and then they can go vote! It is voter fraud! Anyone who would say that this is just voter registration fraud is not intelligent enough to be stealing oxygen from the rest of us! Why commit voter registration fraud? So you can commit voter fraud!

Sol Stern explains that Acorn is the key modern successor of the radical 1960’s “New Left,” with a “1960’s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism” to match. Acorn, says Stern, grew out of “one of the New Left’s silliest and most destructive groups, the National Welfare Rights Organization.”

"I think that when you spread the wealth around, its good for everybody" - Barack Obama

Are you kidding me Obama?

I am all for everyone having a chance and everyone getting an equal opportunity but wealth redistribution is not the way to do it! Give someone an EQUAL opportunity to succeed and then let them go. Do not punish one citizen's success because of the lack of success of another citizen. The more you give to the less fortunate the more you cut their legs off in this world. It is human nature to get lazier and less productive when everything is given to you. Once you get some help, you want more. When you get enough help, "Why work? The 1st of the month is around the corner.". Socialism, which is what Obama and Biden seem to be talking about, has been proven to be a failure, over and over throughout history!

"If you want an example of the failure of socialism," he said, "don't go to Russia, come to America and go to the Indian reservations." - Interior Secretary James G. Watt, January 19, 1983

The above quote is taken from an article written about what U.S. Interior Secretary, James Watts, had to say about the failure of socialism. Below is taken from another article about the failure of the socialist Indian Reservation plan.

"How are Indian reservations doomed to failure? The Indians own the land in common. No Indian owns land individually. Personal initiative is crushed."

The federal government provides, at a basic level, free medical coverage and schools on reservations. These services appear to be a good deal, but they have severely limited results in an atmosphere that discourages Indians from caring for themselves.
I wrote a blog not too long ago where I did not use a foreign country as my example of the failure of socialism. I used the Indian Reservations in the United States! It was not the intention of the reservations but, it is a side effect, that we had a true test of how people will develop when the government strips away a people's purpose and then gives them everything and expects from them nothing. People lose their pride, their self-respect, and their work ethic!

Now take Barack Obama's connection to an organization that is accused of being a radical anti-capitalism and fraudulent organization ACORN. Obama says he was only their lawyer once. Nope, sorry, there is evidence that the relationship was much more than that. Obama's campaign donated $800,000 to an organization that is part of ACORN so they would, "get out the vote for him". Evidence has also come to light that Obama was a trainer for ACORN because he is listed on their employment rolls. Make no doubt about it, ACORN is accused by many for being a multi-faceted radical left wing organization with its hands in multiple pockets and Barack Obama seems to be tied to them in many, out in the open, ways.
Sol Stern explains that Acorn is the key modern successor of the radical 1960’s “New Left,” with a “1960’s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism” to match. Acorn, says Stern, grew out of “one of the New Left’s silliest and most destructive groups, the National Welfare Rights Organization.”
Karl Marx's ten point program to convert a Capitalist society to a Communist society:
  1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.(Mortgage takeovers? Think that is what this means? Maybe, maybe not. The government(bailout bill) is taking over the ownership of homes and land right now...)
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax(We have HEAVY PROGRESSIVE federal and state income taxes up to almost 40%.)
  3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.(Death tax? We have one of those and Obama wants to raise it!)
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State by means of a national bank with the State holding an exclusive monopoly on capital.(Sound familiar?)
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.(The FCC? Amtrak, subsidized right? And we are subsidizing failing airlines, right?)
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State(Banks? AIG? GM? We are doing this right now, right?); the bringing into cultivation of waste-land, and the improvement of the soil, generally in accordance with a common plan.
  8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by more equable distribution of the population over the country.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
(The above list was taken from the book Who are We? Theories Of Human Nature by Louis P. Pojman; Oxford University Press 2006. The list is credited to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels from their Manifesto of the Communist Party. Marx and Engels later went away from this list of ten.)

Am I saying Obama is a communist? No. Am I saying Obama is a socialist? No, but he and Biden are flirting with it in my opinion. What I am saying is that this country is going down a slippery slope towards Socialism/Communism. Karl Marx said that Capitalism is one of the stages, the last stage, a society must go through before it gets to the ideal society which would be Communism. He also said that Capitalism would build up wealth in a country which would ease the transition to Communism and that this transition would be started when the inevitable recessions and depressions, that come with a free market, strike enough fear and anger into the proletariat(main street to us). What are we doing right now? We are afraid because our economy is on a down swing, which it is suppose to is a cycle, and now we are giving up our Capitalist values for Socialism/Communism in an overreaction brought on by fear. There is a hypothesis that Communism did not work in the U.S.S.R. because they never had a Capitalism phase like Marx suggests. Because of this hypothesis it is theorized that the United States is the last, best, chance for Communism to take hold and to succeed!!!! Does anyone else see the same things I do?!?

Barack Hussein Obama

"Obama is not even a citizen of the United States!"

"Obama is a terrorist!"

"Obama is a Muslim!"

I did not believe any of the above rumors and slanders yelled out in public. I have always thought Obama was a good man who I would not mind being president if it was not for his desire to give more people, more for nothing, and by extension his whole fiscal outlook. To learn more about the man I watched a documentary on him on the Biography Channel and then researched him on the Internet. I thought this would let me get to know Obama better and become more comfortable with him. I did learn more about him but I did find out some things that were a little disconcerting and are probably the factual, yes I said factual, base that all these accusations grow out of.

The charge that Barack Obama is not a citizen of the United States. He is a citizen. He was born in Hawaii and his mother was an American citizen so there is no question there. If he was not a citizen then the government would know it. The DNC has the ability to spin information but I doubt that they could cover up the fact that Obama is not a citizen which would make him ineligible for president.

The charge that Barack Obama is a terrorist. Yes, Barack Obama does have ties to William Ayers who committed terrorist acts against the United States. Knowing a terrorist does not make a person a terrorist! That is a ridiculous leap to make. His ties do however call into question his judgement.

The charge that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
I thought this claim was as ridiculous as the terrorist claim but I see things in Obama's past that made me aware of where these suspicions come from.

  1. Barack Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., was from the Luo tribe in Kenya. Today most of this tribe is christian but a large portion of it is and was Muslim.

  2. Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was an atheist. Dunham's best friend in high school has said that she,
    "touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she'd read about and could argue."
  3. Obama would call his mother a christian in one of his books but his own sister contradicts him,
    "I wouldn't have called her an atheist. She was an agnostic. She basically gave us all the good books — the Bible, the Hindu Upanishads and the Buddhist scripture, the Tao Te Ching — and wanted us to recognise that everyone has something beautiful to contribute.""Jesus, she felt, was a wonderful example. But she felt that a lot of Christians behaved in un-Christian ways"
  4. Barack Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was a Muslim.

I do not pretend to know what is in a man's heart. Could Barack Obama be a Muslim but not admitting it because of possible political damage? Yes, I guess he could be. He has close personal ties to someone, in his family, that was Muslim for most of his early years. The offspring of an atheist and a possible Muslim who was then raised by a Muslim stepfather...definitely lays the ground work for people to come to their own conclusions whether they be true or not. Personally I think that Barack Obama is either a Muslim(maybe...I will never know for sure and neither will you), he is a Christian who has woven Islam into his beliefs, or he is a person who was not religious for most of his early life but found god later on which helped him change his direction and purpose. After all, they are related religions. Here is the major question...if he is a Muslim, so what? The Muslim religion is not some evil terrorist religion. Our view of the religion has been slanted by the things that have happened in the world recently and the headlines that they generated. If he is a Muslim, fine. The problem is, that if he is, he lied about it and about his mother. That raises questions, yet again.

I have come to the conclusion that there are three possibilities when it comes to Barack Obama:
  • He is a genuine person and a good person who will do a good job as president.
  • He is a Manchurian Candidate.
  • Or he is the anti-Christ and after he is elected the end of days will come!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Part II: Barack Obama wins popular vote. McCain wins electoral college and Presidency

There are other reason why I am 100% sure that Barack Obama will win the popular vote but John McCain will win the electoral college and the Presidency. The Obama camp might not want to get too ahead of itself after reading the poll numbers. There are a number of the organizations in this election that are weighting their polls differently, i.e. different demographics of those surveyed, because they believe the huge increase in voter registration will effect the election. Is that solid thinking? No, it is not. Registering to vote is one thing. Actually voting is another. The demographics that they are using to skew these polls are the same demographics that Barack Obama is counting on to win this election. There is a problem with those demographics. The people Obama is counting on are the people that are the least likely to actually vote!

In a recent ABC News/Washington Post Poll:
Voters age 18-29 went for Obama 66% to only 30% for McCain.
PROBLEM: That same poll found that only 46% of voters 18-29 were "certain to vote".

Democratic voters went for Obama 81% to only 13% for McCain.
PROBLEM: That same poll found that only 66% of Democrats were "certain to vote" while 83% of Republicans were "certain to vote". Republicans support McCain 85% to 13%.
In a recent poll by the Pew Hispanic Center:
Hispanic voters went for Obama 66% to only 23% for McCain.
PROBLEM: Hispanics turn out to vote at only a 47% rate compared to 63.8% for the full population.

So, what is my point? My point is that 3 of the 4 demographic segments that support Obama the most, and that he is counting on most, are traditionally the lowest ranking segments of the population when it comes to voter turnout. Will they show up?

One must also add, the exposure of Acorn(Obama supports Acorn to the tune of $800,000.00 in donations and they support him in return) as a corrupt organization(allegedly) and the verdict tonight that the Democratic Secretary of State of Ohio is breaking federal election laws, to the Bradley effect, the issue of race, and this look at voter turnout by demographics. When I add all of it up I get a win for McCain in November even if the national polls still show Obama leading all the way up to election day.

Dirtying Up Obama

The above ad does something that a lot of people have been waiting for the McCain camp to do for a long the real Barack Obama(as they see him). This ad is obviously negative and is in the tradition of political mud slinging but it is also something that may be very effective against Barack Obama. The truth is a lot of voters do not know much about Obama. The more that can be dug up from his past to fill in the blanks for voters(whether it be all true or not), the more the Republicans will be able to define him. Not to mention that these ads are not lies. Obama did associate with everyone named in this ad and he has been seen by a number of people as skirting the issue when asked about these associations. The more the Republicans can make "Obama the unknown" into "Obama the dangerous", the easier they will win this election.

The truth is negative ads work. If I was advising John McCain I would tell him to push these horrible associations in Obama's past that lead one to question Obama's judgment and the persona the DNC has built him into. Call him on his association with ACORN(have you watched the news? voter fraud?), Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko(felon), Father Pfleger, and William Ayers(felon). The beauty of attacking him on all these associations is that it is all true! He can not deny knowing and/or working with everyone I listed. He will down play how close he was to these people or organizations but he can not say that someone linking them to him is immoral or wrong. He is linked! So, is Barack Obama a radical social activist who the DNC packaged as an agent for change while trying to hide his obvious warts and questionable past? Or is he truly what he says he is? The more the Republicans get people to ask themselves those questions...the more people will go with the safe choice..... John McCain.

Barack Obama wins popular vote. McCain wins electoral college and Presidency

I am 100% sure that Barack Obama will win the popular vote but John McCain will win the electoral college and the Presidency. Everyone is playing up the poll numbers and Barack Obama's lead in those polls as if they are devastating news to John McCain. They are not. Polls are very inaccurate. One can see how inaccurate polls are just by looking at how none of them agree. In addition to the inherent inaccuracies in polls there is the way that the issue of race skews the accuracy of polls even further.

The first issue of race effecting polls is the Bradley effect and the reverse Bradley effect. The Bradley effect, as it is called, is a way to describe how when an African-American is running against a white opponent, the poll numbers sometimes do not match the actual vote totals. Basically it is hypothesized that white voters say they will vote for the African-American candidate or that they are undecided and then vote for the white candidate which was their intention all along. Some say this might be because white voters fell uneasy answering the question of who they will vote for because it might be seen as a racial decision. To avoid the appearance of racism these voters say they will vote for the African-American candidate or say they are undecided, when they have already made up their mind to vote for the white candidate, just to avoid the question. The reverse Bradley effect is used to explain why some African-American candidates poll lower and then get more votes in the final election. This hypothesis is based on the idea that pollsters are not polling enough African-Americans or young voters.

RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

General Election: McCain vs. Obama

Fact check on VP debate

Biden factually incorrect statements(either lies or brain freezes):

  1. Biden said McCain voted the same way as Obama on the budget resolution that in it would have raised taxes on people making $42,000 per year. WRONG. McCain did not vote yes on that resolution. Obama did.
  2. Biden said McCain opposed Clinton on Bosnia. WRONG. McCain was for intervention in Bosnia.
  3. Biden said people would not pay anymore under Obama than they did under Reagan. WRONG. The highest tax bracket under Reagan was 28%. Obama has pledged to raise it to 39.6%.
  4. Biden said he voted yes on the war in Iraq to back the President and the UN sanctions and that it was not a war resolution. WRONG!!! It was a war resolution. Everyone knew it was a war resolution. Hillary Clinton is on record saying it was a war resolution.
  5. Biden said that McCain voted against supporting our troops. WRONG. McCain voted yes for our troops. Obama voted no. McCain did speak out against a bill that funded troops but had a poison pill about a time line for withdrawal that the Democrats knew the Republicans would never pass.

    CHALLENGED: "Biden clearly answers first by saying Obama voted no on funding the troops in the same way that McCain voted no, that(McCain) is only willing to vote yes on condition that the bill backs the correct Iraq strategy (McCain no timetable, Barack timetable) so this is hardly being wrong." Fact Check

  6. Biden said that Obama did not say he would meet with rogue dictators without preconditions. WRONG!!! VERY WRONG!!! That is a lie. How do I prove that this statement is a blatant lie? Role the tape!(Video below)
  7. Biden said that it would take 10 years to get any, ANY, oil out of new drilling. WRONG. It would take a long time to get substantial production going but oil could be flowing from new drilling within a year.
  8. Biden said we are spending the same in three weeks in Iraq as we have in the entire time we have spent in Afghanistan. WRONG. VERY WRONG! Last year we spent about $60 billion in Iraq. We spent about $10 billion in Afghanistan last year. The math does not work out to 3 weeks equaling 6 1/2 years! The most we have spent in Iraq in one year is $100 billion or $5.7 billion every three weeks. We have spent more than $100 billion in Afghanistan. Do the math on that one! $5.7 billion > $100 billion???? This is the biggest and most BLATANT lie of the night!

    CHALLENGED: Biden's quote - "Look, we have spent more money -- we spend more money in three weeks on combat in Iraq than we spent on the entirety of the last seven years that we have been in Afghanistan building that country."
    "Seems to be suggesting that combat money vs. infrastructure money . . .that might be accurate, although it is misleading . . .the way it is phrased leads one to hear he is comparing combat spending . . "

  9. Biden said that Article 1 of the Constitution refers to the executive branch. WRONG. It refers to the legislative branch. This one might have been a slip of the tongue.
  10. Biden says there is a windfall profits tax in Alaska. WRONG. There is no windfall profits tax in Alaska. The STATE got a windfall from preexisting taxes on oil companies so Palin gave that back to the tax payers. She didn't put an extra permanent tax on the oil companies.
  11. Biden said that Obama helped pass a nuclear weapons bill. WRONG. I looked for it and I cannot find it. There is no such bill in the records that I could see so Obama could not have helped pass it.

    CHALLENGED: "It's called the Lugar-Obama bill and it expanded the Nunn-Lugar Bill (which was outdated due to the end of the cold war). The program has yet to be fully funded but it is a bi-partisan bill. The story Biden told was completely true."

  12. Biden said that McCain wants to tax medical benefits which would raise the tax burden on the middle class. MISLEADING. McCain wants to tax the health benefits provided by companies but offsets that with a $5000 tax deduction for everyone. If anyone has ever had to choose the lesser of two evils of the health options their company gave them...having the option to pick your own company might make sense.
  13. Biden said that the cause of global warming was, "man made. That's the cause. That's why the polar ice cap is melting." WRONG because it is oversimplified. I am going to have to write a separate blog about global warming to explain to Joe Biden, or anyone who thinks like him, that his way of thinking is naive and ignorant of the more complexed system at work!
  14. Biden said that the Bush administration is to blame for deregulation. WRONG. Joe Biden voted yes on the 1999 deregulation bill that is being blamed, by some, for the current mortgage crisis. Regardless if that bill is to blame...Biden still voted for the evil of deregulation that he railed against.
  15. Biden said McCain wants to give the oil companies $4 billion more in tax breaks. WRONG. He wants to cut all corporate taxes not just big oil's.
  16. Biden said that Pakistan had nuclear warheads that could hit Israel. WRONG. Pakistan's longest range missile has a range of only 1200 miles. Israel is 2000 miles from Pakistan. And I thought he was the foreign policy expert?!?!?
  17. Biden said that McCain wrote a magazine article where McCain said he wanted to deregulate health care like he did the banks. WRONG. McCain wrote in the American Academy of Actuaries that he wanted to make it possible for people to buy health care insurance across state lines thus boosting competition.

Palin factually incorrect statements(call me bias but they were not as blatant):

  1. Palin said that Obama voted to raise taxes on people making $42,000 per year. Not wrong...but: It was not a straight forward bill on a tax increase but it did let tax cuts expire that WOULD raise the taxes on people making as little as $42,000 per year. Obama voted for it. McCain voted against it.
  2. Palin said the United States has reduced its troop level in Iraq to a number below where it was when the troop increase began in early 2007. WRONG. We are reducing troops but it is not down to pre-surge levels.
  3. Palin said Obama voted 94 times to raise taxes. WRONG sorta. Some of those 94 were multiple votes...but it is still a vote for raising taxes, right? He could have always changed his vote so I think multiple votes, on the same tax raise, count. The number is lower but not much lower. Make no mistake...Obama and Biden want to raise taxes. And their so-called tax break for 95% of Americans(an inaccurate number) can no longer be done. The $850 billion bailout made tax breaks impossible, period.
  4. Palin said Obama wanted government run universal health care. WRONG. He does not want government run health care. He wants universal health care insurance.
  5. Palin called the General in charge in Afghanistan Gen. McLellan. WRONG. His name is Gen. McKiernan. I gave Biden a break on a slip of the tongue and will do the same for Palin here.

That is all I have for now. Will update as I find out more. Feel free to challenge my accuracy. I will accept all legitimate challenges to my fact checks.