Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama

"Obama is not even a citizen of the United States!"

"Obama is a terrorist!"

"Obama is a Muslim!"

I did not believe any of the above rumors and slanders yelled out in public. I have always thought Obama was a good man who I would not mind being president if it was not for his desire to give more people, more for nothing, and by extension his whole fiscal outlook. To learn more about the man I watched a documentary on him on the Biography Channel and then researched him on the Internet. I thought this would let me get to know Obama better and become more comfortable with him. I did learn more about him but I did find out some things that were a little disconcerting and are probably the factual, yes I said factual, base that all these accusations grow out of.

The charge that Barack Obama is not a citizen of the United States. He is a citizen. He was born in Hawaii and his mother was an American citizen so there is no question there. If he was not a citizen then the government would know it. The DNC has the ability to spin information but I doubt that they could cover up the fact that Obama is not a citizen which would make him ineligible for president.

The charge that Barack Obama is a terrorist. Yes, Barack Obama does have ties to William Ayers who committed terrorist acts against the United States. Knowing a terrorist does not make a person a terrorist! That is a ridiculous leap to make. His ties do however call into question his judgement.

The charge that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
I thought this claim was as ridiculous as the terrorist claim but I see things in Obama's past that made me aware of where these suspicions come from.

  1. Barack Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., was from the Luo tribe in Kenya. Today most of this tribe is christian but a large portion of it is and was Muslim.

  2. Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was an atheist. Dunham's best friend in high school has said that she,
    "touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she'd read about and could argue."
  3. Obama would call his mother a christian in one of his books but his own sister contradicts him,
    "I wouldn't have called her an atheist. She was an agnostic. She basically gave us all the good books — the Bible, the Hindu Upanishads and the Buddhist scripture, the Tao Te Ching — and wanted us to recognise that everyone has something beautiful to contribute.""Jesus, she felt, was a wonderful example. But she felt that a lot of Christians behaved in un-Christian ways"
  4. Barack Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was a Muslim.

I do not pretend to know what is in a man's heart. Could Barack Obama be a Muslim but not admitting it because of possible political damage? Yes, I guess he could be. He has close personal ties to someone, in his family, that was Muslim for most of his early years. The offspring of an atheist and a possible Muslim who was then raised by a Muslim stepfather...definitely lays the ground work for people to come to their own conclusions whether they be true or not. Personally I think that Barack Obama is either a Muslim(maybe...I will never know for sure and neither will you), he is a Christian who has woven Islam into his beliefs, or he is a person who was not religious for most of his early life but found god later on which helped him change his direction and purpose. After all, they are related religions. Here is the major question...if he is a Muslim, so what? The Muslim religion is not some evil terrorist religion. Our view of the religion has been slanted by the things that have happened in the world recently and the headlines that they generated. If he is a Muslim, fine. The problem is, that if he is, he lied about it and about his mother. That raises questions, yet again.

I have come to the conclusion that there are three possibilities when it comes to Barack Obama:
  • He is a genuine person and a good person who will do a good job as president.
  • He is a Manchurian Candidate.
  • Or he is the anti-Christ and after he is elected the end of days will come!

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