Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fact check on VP debate

Biden factually incorrect statements(either lies or brain freezes):

  1. Biden said McCain voted the same way as Obama on the budget resolution that in it would have raised taxes on people making $42,000 per year. WRONG. McCain did not vote yes on that resolution. Obama did.
  2. Biden said McCain opposed Clinton on Bosnia. WRONG. McCain was for intervention in Bosnia.
  3. Biden said people would not pay anymore under Obama than they did under Reagan. WRONG. The highest tax bracket under Reagan was 28%. Obama has pledged to raise it to 39.6%.
  4. Biden said he voted yes on the war in Iraq to back the President and the UN sanctions and that it was not a war resolution. WRONG!!! It was a war resolution. Everyone knew it was a war resolution. Hillary Clinton is on record saying it was a war resolution.
  5. Biden said that McCain voted against supporting our troops. WRONG. McCain voted yes for our troops. Obama voted no. McCain did speak out against a bill that funded troops but had a poison pill about a time line for withdrawal that the Democrats knew the Republicans would never pass.

    CHALLENGED: "Biden clearly answers first by saying Obama voted no on funding the troops in the same way that McCain voted no, that(McCain) is only willing to vote yes on condition that the bill backs the correct Iraq strategy (McCain no timetable, Barack timetable) so this is hardly being wrong." Fact Check

  6. Biden said that Obama did not say he would meet with rogue dictators without preconditions. WRONG!!! VERY WRONG!!! That is a lie. How do I prove that this statement is a blatant lie? Role the tape!(Video below)
  7. Biden said that it would take 10 years to get any, ANY, oil out of new drilling. WRONG. It would take a long time to get substantial production going but oil could be flowing from new drilling within a year.
  8. Biden said we are spending the same in three weeks in Iraq as we have in the entire time we have spent in Afghanistan. WRONG. VERY WRONG! Last year we spent about $60 billion in Iraq. We spent about $10 billion in Afghanistan last year. The math does not work out to 3 weeks equaling 6 1/2 years! The most we have spent in Iraq in one year is $100 billion or $5.7 billion every three weeks. We have spent more than $100 billion in Afghanistan. Do the math on that one! $5.7 billion > $100 billion???? This is the biggest and most BLATANT lie of the night!

    CHALLENGED: Biden's quote - "Look, we have spent more money -- we spend more money in three weeks on combat in Iraq than we spent on the entirety of the last seven years that we have been in Afghanistan building that country."
    "Seems to be suggesting that combat money vs. infrastructure money . . .that might be accurate, although it is misleading . . .the way it is phrased leads one to hear he is comparing combat spending . . "

  9. Biden said that Article 1 of the Constitution refers to the executive branch. WRONG. It refers to the legislative branch. This one might have been a slip of the tongue.
  10. Biden says there is a windfall profits tax in Alaska. WRONG. There is no windfall profits tax in Alaska. The STATE got a windfall from preexisting taxes on oil companies so Palin gave that back to the tax payers. She didn't put an extra permanent tax on the oil companies.
  11. Biden said that Obama helped pass a nuclear weapons bill. WRONG. I looked for it and I cannot find it. There is no such bill in the records that I could see so Obama could not have helped pass it.

    CHALLENGED: "It's called the Lugar-Obama bill and it expanded the Nunn-Lugar Bill (which was outdated due to the end of the cold war). The program has yet to be fully funded but it is a bi-partisan bill. The story Biden told was completely true."

  12. Biden said that McCain wants to tax medical benefits which would raise the tax burden on the middle class. MISLEADING. McCain wants to tax the health benefits provided by companies but offsets that with a $5000 tax deduction for everyone. If anyone has ever had to choose the lesser of two evils of the health options their company gave them...having the option to pick your own company might make sense.
  13. Biden said that the cause of global warming was, "man made. That's the cause. That's why the polar ice cap is melting." WRONG because it is oversimplified. I am going to have to write a separate blog about global warming to explain to Joe Biden, or anyone who thinks like him, that his way of thinking is naive and ignorant of the more complexed system at work!
  14. Biden said that the Bush administration is to blame for deregulation. WRONG. Joe Biden voted yes on the 1999 deregulation bill that is being blamed, by some, for the current mortgage crisis. Regardless if that bill is to blame...Biden still voted for the evil of deregulation that he railed against.
  15. Biden said McCain wants to give the oil companies $4 billion more in tax breaks. WRONG. He wants to cut all corporate taxes not just big oil's.
  16. Biden said that Pakistan had nuclear warheads that could hit Israel. WRONG. Pakistan's longest range missile has a range of only 1200 miles. Israel is 2000 miles from Pakistan. And I thought he was the foreign policy expert?!?!?
  17. Biden said that McCain wrote a magazine article where McCain said he wanted to deregulate health care like he did the banks. WRONG. McCain wrote in the American Academy of Actuaries that he wanted to make it possible for people to buy health care insurance across state lines thus boosting competition.

Palin factually incorrect statements(call me bias but they were not as blatant):

  1. Palin said that Obama voted to raise taxes on people making $42,000 per year. Not wrong...but: It was not a straight forward bill on a tax increase but it did let tax cuts expire that WOULD raise the taxes on people making as little as $42,000 per year. Obama voted for it. McCain voted against it.
  2. Palin said the United States has reduced its troop level in Iraq to a number below where it was when the troop increase began in early 2007. WRONG. We are reducing troops but it is not down to pre-surge levels.
  3. Palin said Obama voted 94 times to raise taxes. WRONG sorta. Some of those 94 were multiple votes...but it is still a vote for raising taxes, right? He could have always changed his vote so I think multiple votes, on the same tax raise, count. The number is lower but not much lower. Make no mistake...Obama and Biden want to raise taxes. And their so-called tax break for 95% of Americans(an inaccurate number) can no longer be done. The $850 billion bailout made tax breaks impossible, period.
  4. Palin said Obama wanted government run universal health care. WRONG. He does not want government run health care. He wants universal health care insurance.
  5. Palin called the General in charge in Afghanistan Gen. McLellan. WRONG. His name is Gen. McKiernan. I gave Biden a break on a slip of the tongue and will do the same for Palin here.

That is all I have for now. Will update as I find out more. Feel free to challenge my accuracy. I will accept all legitimate challenges to my fact checks.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

it would be dangerous for the GOP to reschedule another VP the more unscripted air time Palin gets the more time people will have to realize that she couldn't answer a question about any of the major issues if her life depended on it... the prospect of her becoming the Commander in Chief is frightening