Friday, October 31, 2008


I wish we still had leaders like this! Crazy as can be but aggressive, intelligent, and unbeatable! I would vote for him for President today!

Before anyone comments on the fact that Patton says America has never lost a war and never will lose a war, the closest we have ever come to being called the loser in a war was the War of 1812. In the War of 1812 our capital was captured and burned to the ground. The only major victory we had in the war, the Battle of New Orleans, came after a peace agreement had already been signed. Everyone wants to throw out Vietnam and Korea as losses, and they are wrong! Vietnam and Korea were both political actions that were fought by our military with one hand tied behind its back. Not to mention that the opponents were not Korea or Vietnam in either of those wars. The opponents both times were the U.S.S.R. and communist China. The confrontations in Korea and Vietnam were only battles in a much larger, more complicated war, the most expensive war in the history of man....the Cold War and we won that war.

While I am speaking of wars and their purposes, let me address people who are so upset about the Iraq War and the war in Afghanistan. These wars have served a very important purpose that, for some reason, a lot of Americans choose not to acknowledge. We were going to have to fight a war against terrorism. We had the choice of fighting it in the streets of New York or other American cities or fighting it half a world away. We had a choice in this war to let civilian men, women, and children be in harms way or let our well trained and well equipped soldiers bravely take that risk for us. There was going to be a war. There was no doubt about it. The leaders of America knew that by taking the war to the enemy, overseas, that all of the resources of the enemy would be concentrated in fighting us over there. No matter what you think about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or how we got into them, those wars are saving civilians lives and keeping the war outside our borders. More people need to realize this fact because while our soldiers are overseas fighting and dying for us...we are watching football and baseball and worrying about our investments instead of worrying about our lives!

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