Friday, September 12, 2008

Then don't pick a fight!!!

The Democrats and their spin doctors are up in arms about Sarah Palin's speech last night. They say she was "shrill"(that sounds sexist to me) and nasty. Democrats can't believe she attacked and belittled community organizers and that it is "politics as usual" in the Republican party.

HOLD ON A SECOND!!! I am trying to be fair to both sides but there is something very wrong about this situation. I have watched every second of political coverage I could over the last two weeks and someone here is hitting below the belt and then whining when they get a retort. Democrats have roasted this woman and HER FAMILY every second since she was named the Vice-Presidential Nominee. There have been vicious false rumors started on left-leaning blogs and outright tabloid journalism from the mainstream media. Who is really being nasty here? They attacked her children. At least she attacked the other candidate.

I would hope that we could have politics without attacks but what Democrats did to Sarah Palin and what she did to Obama last night are two very different things. She questioned his experience. A person's experience is on the table when that person is running for President of the United States. They attacked her family. A person's family is never on the table! So, it is funny to me that Democrats are whining today because she took them to task on a legitimate point of discussion after they have assaulted her on an illegitimate one.

This blog is dedicated to "wiping off the mud" that is being slung and looking at the facts. My hope is for politics that are fair and clean but I have to interject when one party goes as low as a party can go and then whines when the target of their attacks fights back, not with family attacks or nasty mud slinging, but with serious questions on a legitimate topic. The Democrats want their cake and to eat it too. Don't be negative, petty, and nasty then run to momma whining when you get your nose bloodied.

Having said that, I want to say one thing about the spin doctors I have been watching last night and this morning on this subject. They say Palin and the Republicans made a huge mistake attacking community organizers and that community organizers are going to rise up against them after being belittled. COME ON!?! REALLY?!? That's the basket they are going to put their eggs in? REALLY?!?!? Again...I don't like negative politics and nasty attacks but I think this is a major stretch. Palin did not attack community organizers! She attacked Obama for using his experience as a community organizer to say he is ready to be the most powerful man in the world. There is a big difference. It does not mean I have anything against fast food workers if I question a person for using that as a bullet point on their resume to be the CEO of a company.

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