Friday, September 12, 2008

9/11: where were you?

It is a vivid memory for me. I was asleep trying to recover after breaking my ankle the day before. My phone rang and I heard my mother in an upset voice asking me to stay at home. She did not know what was going on but she heard that planes might have been hijacked and that the World Trade Center might be under attack. My mother is very protective, no matter how old I get, so I was skeptical that there was really anything serious going on. I turned on the television to see one tower on fire while the t.v. commentator said she did not know exactly what was going on. Just then the 2nd plane came into view and crashed into the 2nd building. I thought it was a dream.

I continued to watch the coverage while frantic reports, theories, and the news of the attack on the Pentagon came in. I was in shock during most of this but I remember the only time I really became truly horrified, and not just angry, is when the t.v. commentator said she thought the fire was exploding out or getting worse. I sat up in my bed and yelled, "It's not the fire! IT'S FALLING!!! IT'S FALLING!!!". That feeling was the 2nd worst feeling I have ever felt, the 1st is personal. It was like I couldn't breath. I told friends and family, and I still truly believe, that if it wasn't for my shattered ankle...I would have volunteered for the military that day.

We feel safe now. I just saw a poll that only 11% of voters say that terrorism is their main issue when voting. I understand that number. We can't live in fear but we also can't forget what happened that day. We can't forget the feeling that we felt that day. I know I never will.

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