Friday, September 19, 2008

Obama is full of s@#t on taxes!!!

I am tired of hearing Obama, and other Democrats, say that "Republicans give the largest tax cuts to the wealthy!". Bulls@#t! Anyone who can do simple math can figure out that, while technically true when talking about percentage points, it is a distortion of the truth about taxes and who really supports this country with their tax dollars. Yes, when the government cuts taxes, the people who make the most money get the largest amount of money back BUT THAT IS BECAUSE THEY PAY MORE IN TAXES TO START WITH!!! Even if the percentage of the cut is slightly higher for the wealthy, they are still paying an unevenly higher amount of taxes. As a matter of fact, the top 25% of earners in America pay 85% of the taxes! If I was in that bottom 75% of earners(I am) I would keep my mouth shut and be glad that those 25% of Americans are paying for 85% of everything we as Americans have!!!! To make this easier to understand I will break it down:

If the government cuts taxes across the board 10%, what happens?
  • A person, call them person A, who makes $500,000.00 per year gets a tax cut of $50,000.00
  • A person, call them person B, who makes $50,000.00 per year gets a tax cut of $5,000.00
The rich guy gets the most money back so does this prove that Democrats are right? NO! Person A and Person B got the exact same tax cut! The reason Person A's money saved is more is because Person A makes more. I feel stupid typing out all this because it is so simple but it shows how desperate some people are to distort the truth.

Let's do that again but see who is paying more, as in the total amount, of taxes. Before the tax cut Person A was paying 30% now they will be paying 20%. Before the tax cut Person B was paying 20%(you pay a smaller percentage when you make less) now they are paying 10%.
  • Person A saved $50,000.00 because of the tax cut but will still pay $100,000.00 in taxes.
  • Person B saved $5,000.00 because of the tax but will still pay $5,000.00 in taxes.
So you see, even with the tax cut, the big evil rich Person A still pays 20 times as much in taxes as Person B!!! And, yes, this is a simplified example of how taxes work. A person actually gets taxed in each bracket whatever is the percentage of that bracket. So Person A would get taxed at 10% for his first $7,285.00 earned then 15% for his money earned between $7,285.00 and $31,850.00 and so on. Under the 2007 tax rate schedule, Person A would pay $154,074.25. Person B would pay $8,923.75 which means Person A still pays 17 times what Person B pays in taxes while only making 10 times as much in earnings. I do not know how your math is but if Person A is making 10 times as much as Person B($500,000.00 to $50,000.00) but pays 17 times the taxes as Person B($154,074.25 to $8,923.75)...I think Person A is doing more than their fair share to support our broken government! Below is the tax rate schedule from the IRS.

Schedule X — Single

If taxable income is over-- But not over-- The tax is:
$0 $7,825 10% of the amount over $0
$7,825 $31,850 $782.50 plus 15% of the amount over 7,825
$31,850 $77,100 $4,386.25 plus 25% of the amount over 31,850
$77,100 $160,850 $15,698.75 plus 28% of the amount over 77,100
$160,850 $349,700 $39,148.75 plus 33% of the amount over 160,850
$349,700 no limit $101,469.25 plus 35% of the amount over 349,700

Do you see it? A person pays more, the more they make. Evil rich people have to give a higher and higher percentage of their money to the government the more they make. They are already doing their part, Senator Biden, and, no, paying taxes is not patriotic! That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Joe Biden is Dan Quayle!

Now get this! Obama says that he could not implement his tax plan right now because the economy is too weak! WHAT?!?!? So, Obama, you are now admitting that your tax increases will hurt the American people and the economy?!? After all if the economy is too weak for you to raise taxes then you must be admitting it will do damage to raise taxes, right?

Over and over, Barack Obama's economic advisers have said that tax rates don't affect economic growth unless they get stratospherically high. But here is what Obama said yesterday on ABC in response to a question about whether he would postpone his tax hikes given the state of the economy: "I think we've got to take a look and see where the economy is. I mean, the economy is weak right now." Exactamundo! Raising taxes in the name of equity is a luxury we can't afford in a hypercompetitive global economy. This is also another sign that McCain's tax attacks are working, I would think. - James Pethokoukis, US News

Here are some more problems with Obama's tax plan:
  • Obama talks about how he will cut taxes on 95% of Americans. That can't be true because at least 40% of Americans pay no federal taxes at all.
  • Obama says he will cut taxes on the middle class but will raise taxes on large corporations. Barack, come on! I am not sure how any American can let this piece of spin get by them. Large corporations are large because they are good at making money. Do you really think that large corporations are going to pay extra taxes and let that hurt their bottom line? No, Barack, they won't! Those large corporations are in the business of making money. They will take the extra costs of Obama's tax increases and pass them onto their customers. Who are their customers? You, me, the lower class and, yes, the middle class of America. If you buy groceries, gas, consumer products, etc...Obama's tax increases will effect you the same way as if he taxed you directly.
  • Obama talks about the top income earners in America and how he wants to tax them. The way he and other Democrats talk, the top earners in America look like greedy fat cats who need their non-hard earned money taken from them and redistributed amongst the rest of us. Well, a friend of mine just happens to fall into Obama's tax increase limits and my friend is neither greedy or privileged. This friend of mine grew up in a lower middle class, single parent, household and made high enough grades to go to college. This person succeeded at college and got a bottom of the rung job after college. This person then worked their butt off everyday, for more than 15 years, to climb the ladder into upper management. My friend worked their ass off and deserves every penny that they have earned! This is in stark contrast to people I have seen, with my own eyes, at government aid offices or county hospitals who are openly talking amongst each other and advising each other on how they can get more aid from the government without working! Obama's "rich" people are most likely rich because they worked their butts off to become "rich" and they paid their fair share of taxes, that the government asked them to pay, every step of the way!
Before you comment! Let me say that, yes, I know the percentages for the top bracket have gone down under Bush. The bottom two stayed the same while the 28% bracket went down to 25%, 31% went down to 28%, 36% went down to 33%, and 39.6% went down to 35%. Three brackets got a tax cut of 3% while the top bracket got a tax cut of 4.6%. What does this mean?!?!? Was I lying this whole time? Are Democrats and Obama right?!? Nope. Under the old bracket Person A would pay $160,988.05 on $500,000.00 in earnings. Person B would pay $9,468.25 on $50,000.00 in earnings. Let us do the math again, Person A is still making 10 times as much as Person B($500,000.00 to $50,000.00) and Person A is still paying 17 times the taxes as Person B($160,988.05 to $9,468.25). Let me say that American pays 17 times more in taxes than another American yet only makes 10 times as much as that other American. That is bulls@#t!!!! If a person earns 10 times more than another then they should only pay 10 times as much in taxes! That will never happen but that is what would be fair. That would be more in line with the principles that this country was founded on. We are not socialist(Joe Biden) or communists!

Again, before you comment, yes, in the above scenario Person A got a tax cut under Bush of $6,913.80 while Person B only got a tax cut of $1718.25. Person A gets 4 times the tax cut but Person A is STILL paying 17 times the taxes of Person B under Bush! THAT is where Democrats get there numbers and skew the truth. If you play with the numbers and leave out certain facts then you can make something look anyway you want. Remember that under the old tax rates Person A paid 17 times the taxes of Person B while only making 10 times in earnings and under the 2007(Bush) tax rates, Person A still pays 17 times the taxes that Person B pays while only making 10 times the earnings. Where is the injustice? Where is this great benefit for the wealthy? Fair is fair and 17 times the taxes is not fair!

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