Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is the media completely pro-Obama? Yes it is!

I have been watching all of the different channels(with the help of my DVR) and their coverage of the election. I have come to a conclusion: the media IS unethically and overwhelmingly pro-Obama! Why do I say unethically? I do so because I do not care if you are pro-Obama or pro-McCain but when you are posing as a legitimate unbiased news outlet but you are not, you are lying and that is unethical! If you want to be pro-Obama or pro-McCain then come out and say it. Do not hide behind your lies about unbiased news reporting. The second part of my conclusion is: CNN is left of center by quite a bit, MSNBC is so left of center it is bordering on lunacy, and Fox News is fair and balanced just like they say they are.

What is that? Is every liberal yelling at their computer right now that I am obviously a conservative and I am drinking the Fox News kool-aid? If so you would be completely wrong because like I said I have watched all of the news outlets and even the main networks for their coverage before coming to these conclusions. I had never watched Fox News before this election but I had always heard it was an unfair right-wing slanted channel. I had heard that basically Fox News was far right, MSNBC was far left, and CNN was in the middle and fair. Again...that was before I watched them all. I will also go as far as to guaranty that no one who thinks Fox News is what people say it is has ever actually watched the channel at all, much less enough to form that opinion! Fox News gives equal time. If they have a discussion there is normally always a person from the left and a person from the right and the anchor tries to stay off one side or the other. On the other hand, it is the honesty of the other anchors or hosts of shows on Fox News, that are biased and pulling for one side, that I respect more than CNN. At least the people on Fox News who openly lean right, or have even jumped into the deep end of the right, admit who they are and what they are. Likewise, MSNBC anchors do not try to hide the fact that they have Obama sheets on their bed and that they wear Obama pajamas...for that I at least have some respect for them. But CNN anchors try to hide their allegiances and they do a horrible job of it! The only people I respect on CNN are John King and Lou Dobbs.

Quick personal story:
-I was just watching a discussion about the election on CNN where Anderson Cooper was the anchor and the people discussing the topic were Al Sharpton, Roland Martin, and David Gergen. That is your idea of a discussion group, CNN? Can we at least have a somewhat conservative voice in this pro-Obama love fest? Anderson Cooper far-left, Roland Martin far-left, Al Sharpton ultra-left, and David Gergen a left leaning moderate?!?!? Nice job! That is like hiding an elephant in an open field!
(where the elephant is the hard on that CNN has for Barack Obama!)
-One more example as proof that Anderson Cooper has Barack Obama's picture on the front of his tightie-whities: He opened his show tonight by saying, "Four days to the election. We are on the cusp of history and it is very exciting!". The cusp of history, Anderson? No, it is only history if Obama wins. Sounds like you think this race is over and you have let your love of Obama slip out yet again!

Are you liberals still calling me a conservative hack? Ok, I guess I should offer some proof to my assertions...I wish someone would do a study on the media in this election cycle...oh, wait, someone did do that! The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism did!

  • The study found that MSNBC aired stories on McCain that were negative 73% of the time. MSNBC only aired negative stories about Obama 14% of the time.
  • The study found that CNN aired stories on McCain that were negative 57% of the time. CNN only aired negative stories about Obama 29% of the time.
  • The study found that Fox News aired stories on McCain that were negative 40% of the time. Fox News aired negative stories about Obama 40% of the time.

Anymore questions?

1 comment:

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

I would have to say that you are making up any excuse you can (could) to avoid Obama's presidency. The media could and would have been McCain's darling if he would not have tossed away his principles in order to, or so he thought, win the presidency.